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Green Mountain Trail

An easy to moderate trail.

Green Mountain Trail

Green Mountain Trail

An easy to moderate trail, it leaves from Deep Gap in the Aska Adventure Area, climbs Green Mountain where seasonal views of Lake Blue Ridge are possible, then descends to a second trailhead. On the return trip a slightly different trail can be taken. Directions from Blue Ridge: Take GA Hwy. 515 .8 mile east to Windy Ridge Road. Turn right and go .2 mile to the dead end with Old US Hwy. 76. Turn left, go .2 miles to Aska Rd on the right.The trailhead is on Aska Road about 100 yard south of Deep Gap. This trail begins at the gravel parking lot on the west side of the road. Visitors can also park in a small area near Stanley Gap on Rock Creek Road and hike the trail east-west from that end.

Location: Aska Road about 100 yards south of Deep Gap
Phone: N/A

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